Why NOW is the time to relocate image

What’s the current cost per head of your office space? 10, 12, 25 times more than usual?

Cut this back NOW and save forever.

If you’re running a business and are sitting in an empty office, or working from home with an empty office waiting, draining your financial resource & hitting your bottom line, you’re not alone.

With only a few team members hitting the office each day, and with the Government’s “work from home if you can” advice only just kicking in, there’s going to be a long stretch of time before the office is full again.

And once we’re all encouraged back to work, the workplace will NEVER be the same again. Employees WANT to get back to the office. But not all the time.

They now EXPECT flexible working practices, where they’ll be able to work in the office some days and at home others.

(When) Will your office be full again?

This means that your big office is unlikely to be full again, perhaps, ever. In January / February, the picture may seem clearer and directors across the land will start cutting overheads and relocating to smaller, more cost-effective premises.

Maybe that’s what you were planning to do. But remember, that’s what EVERYONE will be doing. Don’t wait for everyone else to move.


Some directors may be thinking of dropping the office entirely. We believe this is a mistake. And we’re not the only ones. Here’s why.

We are social beings. We work off the spark that is created by contact.

The office is the home of this contact and cannot simply be removed, without losing your company’s creative spark. This is the spark that defines businesses. That separates the great from the also rans. Can you afford to lose that spark, to save a few quid? Trust us: the businesses that succeed post-Covid won’t think so.

Employees WANT to get back to the office

We speak to people day in day out – not just our own tenants but friends, neighbours, people in the community – and the 1 thing we have heard throughout lockdown and continue to hear from every single person is this:

“I can’t wait to get back to the office.”

“I’m enjoying working from home some of the time, but I NEED office time too.”

Employees NEED to get back to the office

“Working from home is driving me mad”

Sounds funny, but it might be also true. For the mental & emotional wellbeing of your employees, most will need office-based working time to continue to work to their potential.


Now is the time to act. Relocate today to:

  • Save overheads NOW. Cut unnecessary office-related overheads by moving to smaller, more cost-effective premises. If you have a notice period on the lease, serve notice NOW and prepare to move before the hordes do.
  • Get your flexible working processes in your new space, your employees used to office-time rotation and ensure a smooth transition. Leave it and you’ll have confusion and issues later, when you should be focussing on your business.
  • Get the best available property for your team. Steal a march to ensure that WHEN your team come back to the office in 2021, you’re concentrating on running your business, while your competitors are fighting over the dregs of the remaining available office space.
  • Improve your employee’s wellbeing & performance


Our 5 steps to relocating to a better bottom-line:

  1. Act now. Get the pick of the spaces, serve your notice & start the ball rolling today
  2. Speak to your team directly & honestly. Find out who wants to come to the office & accommodate this safely: You might need to consider different employees’ transport methods to reduce transitional contact; home circumstances and prioritise on those who will find it most difficult to be productive at home and; job roles, and which can be most effectively undertaken at home versus the office
  3. Find a space that accommodates your reduced team, with additional space for returning employees on rotation, when the time is right
  4. Install lockers for rotating employees
  5. Set up team days & small meeting groups to get the team used to new ways of working and used to their new, efficient environment


Spaces Sheffield has office & mixed-use work space for teams of 2 – 30 in Sheffield’s Lower Don Valley, with excellent transport links, leisure facilities, activities & green spaces unrivalled in urban Sheffield, set amongst a thriving business community.

Enquire today to discuss your team’s next move.